try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

deja vu.

literally literally, haha.

deja vu. intricately woven gradual buildup to a climax and resolution. great plot. good movie. ending not expected, but interesting nonetheless. the idea of the multiverse.

imagine there was millions of other yous living at the same time, doing different things, in different universes. if you could travel back in time, what would you do? what would you change? for doug carlin, he sacrificed himself, saving 543 innocent lives, plus the life of a young woman named claire kuchever, and his partner larry. and he ended up alive anyway. the idea is this - you travel back in time though some weird machine that can weave into the fabrication of space itself, giving you endless possibilities. you could go anywhere you want within the specified area, exactly four days six hours ago ++ (14.5nanoseconds), you get back, change whatever you want, supposed to end up dead because you cannot possibly see another you. imagine there are two exact images of you and you're staring yourself in a face, but there is no mirror. scary huh. similar ideas and concepts appear in The Time Machine, Minority Report, Harry Potter, and last i remember, The Prestige. things like replicating yourself, going back in time, forseeing the future. very interesting. as i was saying, its the concept of a multiverse (many parallel universes) occurring at the same time. so when you travel back in time, you alter the timeline when you do something else rather than something you did in the past at the exact same time and space. so instead of saying that you went back and rewrote the course of history, you appeared in a parallel universe, changed the sequence of events, died, but lived because the you in that alternate universe was doing something else at the point in time. very cool. but not to be tinkered with i reckon. not that technology is advanced enough. just some random thoughts.


i dont even really know what im blabbering about lol. hope it makes some sense to you readers out there. Ha.

in need of some shuteye.


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