try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

It rained twice today...

Its so true that nothing in the world lasts forever, absolutely nothing.
How i wish theres a count-down timer on everything, so i can know at exactly what time which items will be lost/who will be leaving me...

*Okay, not a very nice idea, imagine yourself seeing the timer for "earth" and it says 5 more minutes. GG*

Celebrated my grandmother's birthday yesterday with nice food, and a very nice cake =P
I will be teaching some guy theory and violin. This isnt random (unlike my first few sentences), but he wants me to teach him. And i get to name my price! FunKEY

Well its the experience that im interested in after all.
And it will be a "studies-filled" december. Violin teacher left for Macau and then for Shanghai, and he told me to play to do the last few of Kreutzer - DOUBLE-STOPS!
I dont hate it, but i seriously need a lot of time to complete one cus its hard...

Sigh, should have done this many years ago. Cant believe my basics were so weak.



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