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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

good music cant be contained.

Been listening to John Mayer recently, and today i heard '3x5' thrice already, and its one of my favourite. The more i listen to it, the more i love it. The more i love it, the more i think about it and listen to it. Over and over.

Because its a happy song, and we certainly need some of that in times like these.

Here's my mental image of 3x5:

"You should have seen the sunrise...with your own eyes..."

I am sitting at the back of the bus, trying to get a nice picture of the mountain despite of the bumpy road and jerky ride. There is laughter somewhere at the front of the bus; everyone is smiling, all excited to reach the mountain range. My hand is still shaking badly, and after a while i give up. I turn to him and smile, he holds my hand and steadies it. Finally, we get a steady shot. He was the one i loved.

The bus crawls up the mountain range, and the air gets cooler as we go round and round. Everyone is happy as their faces feel the mountain breeze. We get higher and higher up till we see a whole village below us. Houses are dispersed amongst the uneven hilltops and valleys, and the mountain range was like creases of divine silk, patternless and yet beautiful. We absorb all this nature as quickly as we can because we were on the move. The morning sunlight gently touches the land, like it touches my heart. I look at the one i love - his hair, moving in the wind, is tainted brown by the glow. It's lovely. He looks at a distance, and points straight ahead - the mountain is finally in full view to us. The clouds had moved away for awhile, and we realised that the mountain is much greater than we thought it was. Towering above us, the top was almost indistinguishable from the clouds that hovered nearby. Sounds of awe and exclamation fill the bus; all our heads pop out of the bus almost simultaneously.

But we absorbed all this wonderful nature as quickly as we could, because we were on the move.

"didn't have a camera with me this time..."

As i've mentioned in earlier posts, my life (thankfully) seems to be have a mountaintop feel to it now. But maybe, it doesn't just apply to me. Maybe every one of our lives have great beauty and mountaintop feelings too; its just that we simply don't have the right camera to capture them with.

Maybe, its all in the attitude. After all, God makes the coffee; and the cup doesn't add to the taste. And we might only capture the aromatic taste if we change our perspective.


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