try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Carrom marathon

I finally under stand the meaning of tired today.. But im still going to blog about today, cus its super fun, really.

Well, look at the time, i just reached home btw, and the game started at 9 this morning. 15 hours ( if i count correctly, dead tired liao)

One set has 5 matches, men/women's single, men/women's double and mix doubles, and each match has 5 games. Get it? I played 25 games in all today. It is held simultaneously, so you actually have super lot of games going on at one time and the atmosphere is really great especially when we started at the same time. Just that its super cold. haha. Played men's double btw.

Match stats:
Played against 5 other halls, so 25 games in all.
Win: 4 ( for sets)
Loss: 1

For me, I lost the match twice, first time losing by 3-2 and second time losing by 5-0
And won it three times, all 5 - 0

Number of seeds shot in (by me) - 124 seeds
* This is my happiest stats, top of the table, yay. Thats about 90% of the seeds btw, cus my partner just started learning 4 days ago, and i was supposed to train him.
Number of end games - 19
* Thats all the games that we won btw. Haha. Well, my partner depended on me too. And check out below for the last game ( we only won 18 games if you count properly)
Number of opponent seeds shot in ( by me ) - 24
* Some are really crappy, others are accident. And one of them, the second last game, i helped them score their last one and ended the game. ZZZ

25 games in all is super uber ultimate tiring. Go and try for yourself. Competition style carrom, with all the pressure, especially when i lost my second match and was praying so hard that the 4 other matches will be fine.

The last game was ultimate crap i must tell you. The match started at 10.30 and we were all super tired, and you can tell that all our aimings are WOW. All the ultimate misses, and not forgetting shooting in the wrong colour cus cant think properly liao. So we lost the last set 25 games to ZERO. haha, then it was the walk back to my hall. At least we were relieved that we can rest.

Men's single is ultimate ownage, all the games are within 7 mins ( well max time for each game is 35, after which the seeds left will be counted, so there are posibilites that there will be a draw). And all of them are like sniper shooters, thus they decide not to place me there. Haha, cus confirm lose de. And the chief judge is from singapore national carrom team ( never hear of it before, seriously). He was sort of practising during the break, one power sniper...

So thats is for today at the games, proudly brought to you by samsung and qatar airways =P
We havent even play hall 3 yet, they won every set 25 - 0 =.=
We are currently 3rd on the table, but my name for most number of seeds for my category is still first. Wee, carrom phobia after tomorrow i bet.

So now, rest my fingers and mind who have served me well today. I got the carrom captain as partner tomorrow! Bye...


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