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Sunday, December 30, 2007

sucky day.


There's something about the solo violin music of Bach and Ysaye that makes you want more. Maybe it's the cleaness of everything, the lonely struggles and musings, and the certain amount of detachment involved. Safe music that doesn't require too much emotional involvment. Gentlemanly in a way. Safe.


Anyway i just got the Ysaye violin sonatas by Leonidas Kavakos off Very nicely played indeed, with restraint and avoiding excess 'interpretation'. Also got Kalevi Aho's tuba and contrabassoon concertos (woot CONTRABASSOON CONCERTO!) which are really powerful pieces. Passages in the lowest ranges of the above instruments tend to be felt more physically than anything else! You can almost feel your innards quiver. I did, however, waste precious credits on the Dvorak serenades by the Prague Chamber Orchestra. The recording is bland and unexciting and it seems playing without a conductor does not always turn out successful. The different string sections rarely complement each other's playing style and the recording sounds like a midi file. bleagh...


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