try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I treasured those few precious moments
In the twilight,
Illuminated by the glow of the screen.

The closeness i miss so much,
That closeness i can no longer have.

But today
rĂªveries and passions
Shall be wrapped up and stored away


Playing with the WAYO was exhilarating. Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique definitely lives up to its name. Lots of faking here and there especially in Hindemith's Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes by Weber but overall the music making was incredible. Hosts were Sam Parry and parents Geoff and Kay Parry. Many thanks to them for being great hosts and a great family to be with! They're a bunch of people I will miss very much and I hope our paths cross again some day.

yep so that concludes the peak of my musical experience so far!

time to sleep.


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