try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

categorizing......90% complete

Some people have requested a post here to brighten up the general lethargy of the holidays. And the previous emo-ating posts x.x So, here you go.

So...what have I been doing? Go figure.

Dissecting ame's mind

Lol! Even as we 'embark' on this oh-so-incredible 'journey of discovery' , I need to put a disclaimer too: I don't have much of an idea as to where this is going!
Hmm. Let's see...

The happy ame: Well, I don't really need to elaborate do I? The first few people who got to know me last year can profess that I used to laugh perpetually. I wonder up till today, why and how I could laugh with or without reason. I must have been mad! But the two years have thought me to sober down a bit, and I must say I miss those final chances of childhood. Or maybe behind laughter there was a mature philosophy - why worry when you can laugh? Haha but I doubt so. I doubt I was that wise. Am I wise now? I have noo idea...We're idiots, really. Idiots for maturity.

The emo ame: Observant people, do you notice the similarity between the pronunciations of those two words? 'emo'; 'ame'; 'ome'? Haha. This is a dangerous side of me - the tendency toward histronics is really strong sometimes. Maybe the overdoze of movies and media over-exposure has subconsciously invaded my brain! Beware - no one is spared. It's so familiar, isn't it? The deliberate focusing on a problem, the magnification of its size, and its overwhelming effect that renders you helpless. We've all been there before, no matter how unjustified it may be. It's like swimming in the sea - you really wanna get out of it, but it's so much easier to drown. Or maybe it's just them ole' hormones: did you know that the teenage hormone surge only settles when you're 18? Haha at least there's hope out of it. The sea of hormones. Hurhurhur.

The rational ame: I think my voice of reason is relative, to how reasonable you'd think reason should be. Mmm actually I don't have much to say here, but it DOES NOT imply I'm entirely irrational (argh I just knew you would think that!). I find reason quite unconscious sometimes, and it's hard to put it down in words/on paper.

The competitive ame: All of this part of my brain is probably fuelled by pride. It's obviously wrong, but it's hard to get rid of. This part of me makes me work hard, and it makes me climb higher and beyond myself. It makes me glad that I win, and sensitive to criticism when I don't. I used to cry when I lost at snakes-and-ladders - I have not lost this part of childhood, I guess I've just learnt to deal with it better. No angry stomping of small feet, but it's probably an achille's heel.

The dreamy ame: This is quite a broad category of thought, actually. It encompasses stoning, thought-wandering, having no idea what's going on but looking like I do anyway, and stuff like that. Take for example, English class. Just sit in my class for one hour and you'll realise who are the genuine thinkers, those who appear to be thinking, the scribes, the quiet listeners, the stoners. Well, half the time I try so hard to catch up in the note-taking that I hardly have time to think of the loopholes in arguments. So class just whizzes past me, and then I think of a question only 1 hour later. Haha so much for being slow, eh.
Absent-mindedness can kill. Seriously. I would know it x.x A few hours back I forgot what day it was! And a dozen other instances, especially regarding money - which is bad, because all you dishonest folks out there can go out and cheat me in broad daylight without being caught! Humph.

The crude, grose ame: I will NOT go into details here, it would be really grose x.x Well, with both parents in the medical field (and one in endoscopy), you don't expect civilised, dinner-table-appropriate conversations at the dinner-table! OK ok, no more details; no more details. haha.

And so we have embarked on the convoluted route into the parts of my mind that I'm conscious of. haha. Maybe there'll be a part two. Part two of Siddhartha-ish self-discovery.


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