try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Of bell(e)s, food, and wine

I was at my mum's ward party today. And all of you who know me, well, you know where my mum works. She works in this gastronomical place, but it's not what you think it is - its FAR from what you think it is.

The door said: Colecteral and liver centre, MEH endoscopy centre.

Very gastronomical indeed!

It's quite strange to see nurses and doctors who deal with the not-so-glamourous parts of your insides feasting on turkey and drinking wine. I even find it hard to visualise them eating. I mean, how could they do so, after looking at intestines for a whole day?

Oh well, i guess you do get used to it.

I can conclude that my mum has a very insane team of workers. They're fabulously funny people - they greeted every doctor that came by yelling Jingle Bells, took scandalous photos and danced in front of the security camera. Better still, they got the unusually sane doctors to join in the insanity too. So all of you who have doctors for a mum or dad, watch out!! They may seem like the most logical people around, but you don't know for sure! ;)

Though I've never worked with them before, their joy was very infectious, and i joined in the wine. But not the song though; I didn't think i drank enough wine to go that crazy. Anyway, i think i drank one disposible-plastic-cup full of wine x.x And i finally know how to appreciate it. I tried swirling the wine in my mouth, and surprisingly, the bitter taste was separated from the sweet savour that wine experts harp about. Finally, wine tasted sweet to me.

It was a nice two hours of fine dining, wine, song, cameras, videos, and presents.

I feel like writing a christmas song. Till then!


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