try ngee-ing the alphabet.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

for the sake of someone.

yes that someone over there on the tagboard. this post is for you.

even though its really not a good time to blog. well its never a good time to blog because you can always do something more productive. my last paper tomorrow. heh.

dead man's chest was cool. cant wait for the third instalment.

anyway. exams are coming to a close. which is good. physics proved to be time consuming today as silly me used simultaneous equations to solve some momentum qn in paper 2 which took up so much time that i left like almost the last 2 sides blank. bleagh. oh wells.

modes modes modes.

Ionian Dorian Phrygian Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian Locrian

scales scales scales.

octatonic pentatonic chromatic whole tone modal

ok lets see.

pentatonic scale of Gb, aeolian mode of Eb, key in Bb yet theme in dorian mode of Ab, mixolydian mode of F, aeolian mode of Db, phrygian mode of F, lydian mode of E.

ah this is interesting.

ascending scalic passages in varied descending sequences.

i will remember this. muaha. ok enough of bartok for a night. or maybe not. its still early. ha. must pwn music.


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